

New Years Resolutions

Christmas is over and it's that time of the Year to make a few plans for the coming months! I'm not the one to say 'New Year, New Me' because I think changes can be made within you every day and I'm always the one with the notebook writing small plans and ideas. I think taking the time to plan is very important, you should always want to become better than yesterday, do something different, even if it's a very small note - it's all a step forward. One of my New Year Resolutions is to look after myself more, don't over work and create a balance within my work and a healthier lifestyle. It might sound a little selfish, but if you don't take care of yourself, no one else will! I'll surely be topping up on new supplements, vitamins, plan more workouts and try out more of a variety of food. As you can tell by this post I've also been shopping for healthier snacks as I'm terrible for sweets, so I found some great replacements for my lunch breaks :)


Once it's in your notebook/ipad/phone it's already an idea, it also makes it much easier to go back to it because we've all been there forgetting it at the end of the day. Whether it's a small 'Jog with Honey' note or 'Cut down on chocolate' more of an overall note, it all becomes a focus at the back of your mind.


Always focus on one idea at once, if you give yourself too much to handle it's very easy to then forget everything all together! Let's face it, we've all been there where a nap seems so much more appealing than doing that essay/project for work. But I promise, if you give yourself a 'Tuesday 10am-12pm' to sort out one thing you will suprise yourself how much you can actually get done. Plan by exact day and hour if you can, that way you can just tick it off and focus on your next step.


I know it sounds so cliche, but honestly it all comes down to how you see it. It's never really as bad as you make it out to be, yeah we all ate too much for Christmas oh well, today is a new day and let's make a change right now, for yourself. If you look back on today two years from now you will wish you started today, two years is a long time to learn, experience and live right?


The most important thing is, do it because you want to. Do what really makes you happy inside, this is why I personally love a healthy lifestyle it gives me a sense of freedom, control and inner happiness. You don't have to starve or be in the gym 24/7 you just need a balance, a new notebook and yourself. You can do it, if I can!

Hope you enjoyed this post and look forward to many more Fitness and Health related posts for the New Year! I'd like to take this moment to thank all the brands and people I go to work with this Year, I am forever grateful and can only wish to expand for 2016.  I hope you will enjoy my little fitness journey, blog posts and videos for the New Year as I have lots planned for us! 

Skai x

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